Professionalism/Code of Conduct

The Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine strives to create a culture of inclusion, equity, and respect. Members of the University of Toronto, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (including learners at all levels) represent a diverse group. Membership may intersect with any number of different socio-cultural backgrounds; therefore, the department is committed to celebrating this diversity. The following document intends to inform what the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine expects of all members with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Please click on the link to access the Code of Conduct.

Professionalism is maintaining a high standard of professional and ethical behaviour, and adherence to the codes of conduct governing conflict of interest is at the core of the values of healthcare and the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto.

All faculty members must agree and sign off to the Code of Conduct at their initial appointment.

Sustained demonstration of professional behaviour is a requirement for full-time faculty members to pass their Continuing Faculty Appointment Review.

Unprofessional behaviour will not be tolerated and the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any breaches of professionalism. This includes, but is not limited to creating a hostile work environment, harassment, intimidation, discrimination, failure to disclose and manage conflicts of interest, inappropriate relationships with industry, violations of boundaries, failure to fulfill professional duties, and research misconduct. Further details of what constitutes professional/unprofessional behaviour can be found on the Faculty of Medicine Website.

Please see below a series of documents and links that provide resources on professionalism for all clinical faculty.

Office of the Ombudsperson

Relationships with Industry

Standards of Professional Behaviour for Medical Clinical Faculty

Policy on Conflict of Interest - Academic Staff

Policy for Clinical Faculty

Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical (MD) Faculty

The TAHSN Hospitals also have resources on ethical conduct as well as ombuds offices that can provide guidance on professionalism.