May 7, 2021  |  8:00am - 2:00pm

Shields Day 2021

Our Annual Shields Day event is to bring together our clinical faculty, fellows, residents and anesthesia assistants from the University-affiliated hospitals. Shields Research Day aims to provide a forum for updates on, and stimulate further research into the frontiers of clinical science with regards to anesthesia and related topics (e.g., critical care management, obstetrical anesthesia, pain management, etc.). We have been growing in recent years!  

We aim to provide an excellent research and training opportunity for Anesthesia faculty, residents, fellows, graduate students and anesthesia assistants who wish to keep abreast of current research initiatives in the field. Our trainees (residents, fellows and graduate students) are provided with a unique opportunity to experience all the stages of presenting their peer-reviewed work at a scientific meeting, from the abstract writing and submission process to the poster design and oral presentation phase. The Annual Shields Research Day prepares trainees for a future role in academe, under the guidance of experienced faculty mentors.

To read more about the event and registration information, click HERE